The Driver's Seat

Muriel Spark

The Driver's Seat by Muriel Spark (Downloadable audio ISBN 9781847679833) book cover

Available as Downloadable audio

Lise is thin, neither good-looking nor bad-looking. One day she walks out of her office, acquires a gaudy new outfit, adopts a girlier tone of voice, and heads to the airport to fly south. On the plane she takes a seat between two men. One is delighted with her company, the other is deeply perturbed. So begins an unnerving journey into the darker recesses of human nature.
The reader is Dame Judi Dench.

“An extraordinary tour de force, a crime story turned inside out.”
David Lodge

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“Her spiny and treacherous masterpiece”
new Yorker

Muriel Spark

Muriel Spark, DBE, C.Litt., was born in Edinburgh in 1918 and educated in Scotland. A poet and novelist, she also wrote children’s books, radio plays, a comedy Doctors of Philosophy, (first performed in London in 1962 and published 1963) and biographies of nineteenth-century literary figures, including Mary Shelley and Emily Brontë.

For her long career of literary achievement, which began in 1951, Muriel Spark garnered international praise and many awards, which include tthe first Enlightenment Award and the Italia Prize for dramatic radio. She died in 2006.

The Driver's Seat cover

Listen to an extract of Muriel Spark’s The Driver’s Seat, read by Dame Judi Dench.

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