Indaba, My Children: African Tribal History, Legends, Customs And Religious Beliefs

Vusamazulu Credo Mutwa

Indaba, My Children: African Tribal History, Legends, Customs And Religious Beliefs by Vusamazulu Credo Mutwa (Paperback ISBN 9780862417581) book cover

Available as Paperback

The critically acclaimed South African bestseller

First published in 1964, Indaba, My Children is an internationally acclaimed collection of African folk tales that chart the story of African tribal life since the time of the Phoenicians. It is these stories that have shaped Africa as we know it.

Vusamazulu Credo Mutwa

Credo Mutwa was born in 1922 in Natal, the grandson of Ziko Shezi, a Bantu witch doctor who was the guardian of his tribe’s history. In 1963, Mutwa himself was officially proclaimed High Witch Doctor, but the following year he broke his sacred oath of secrecy by writing Indaba, My Children. The book was both a commercial and critical success (it has sold over 250,000 copies in South Africa alone) and Credo Mutwa has gone on to write a number of other works as well as pursuing his talents as a painter and sculptor. He currently lives at the Shamwari Game Reserve in the Eastern Cape where he has founded a traditional healing centre.