The Makars

The Poems of Henryson, Dunbar and Douglas

Edited by Jackie Tasioulas

The Makars by Jackie Tasioulas (eBook ISBN 9781847675019) book cover

Available as eBook

Edited, introduced and annotated by J.A. Tasioulas

The poetry of the Makars marked an extraordinary flowering of Scottish culture and the Scots language in the 15th and early 16th centuries. This magnificent anthology, introduced, edited and annotated by J.A. Tasioulas, makes available for the modern reader the complete poems of both Henryson and Dunbar, as well as Gavin Douglas’s The Palis of Honoure. Old Scots words are glossed and medieval and classical references are explained to make this the most approachable collection of major poems in a period which forged a nation’s cultural and political sense of itself, from the moral subtlety of Henryson, to the wild flytings of Dunbar, to the democratic humanism of Gavin Douglas.

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