Modern Scottish Gaelic Poems

A Bilingual Anthology

Donald MacAulay

Modern Scottish Gaelic Poems by Donald MacAulay (Paperback ISBN 9780862414948) book cover

Available as Paperback

This indispensable anthology contains selections of the best work by Scotland’s most acclaimed modern Gaelic poets

This indispensable anthology contains selections of the best work by Scotland’s most acclaimed modern Gaelic poets: Sorley Maclean, George Campbell Hay, Iain Crichton Smith, Derick Thomson and Donald MacAulay. Designed as much for English readers of Gaelic, the poems are presented in parallel texts with line-for-line translations. These translations have been made by the poets themselves, thereby maximising the retention of the spirit and form of the originals.

Donald MacAulay

Donald MacAulay is Professor of Celtic at the University of Glasgow

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