Every Short Story by Alasdair Gray 1951-2012

Alasdair Gray

Every Short Story by Alasdair Gray 1951-2012 by Alasdair Gray (Paperback ISBN 9780857865618) book cover

Available as Paperback

An authoritative collection of Alasdair Gray’s stories gathered over sixty two years

The first sixteen tales in this collection were published by Canongate in 1983 with the title Unlikely Stories, Mostly. This collection also has fifty-seven tales from later books, plus sixteen new ones written for the hardback publication of this collection. This last section, Tales Droll and Plausible, shows that Gray’s recent twenty-first-century fiction is as uncomfortably funny and up to date as his earliest.

“Gray is a true original, a twentieth century William Blake.”

See more reviews

“A great writer, perhaps the greatest writer living in Britain today.”
Will Self

“One of the most gifted writers to have put pen to paper in the English language.”
Irvine Welsh

“A necessary genius.”
Ali Smith

“A genuine experimentalist.”
David Lodge

Alasdair Gray

Born in 1934, Alasdair Gray graduated in design and mural painting from the Glasgow School of Art. Since 1981, when Lanark was published by Canongate, he authored, designed and illustrated seven novels, several books of short stories, a collection of his stage, radio and TV plays and a book of his visual art, A Life in Pictures. He died in December 2019.