Hard Times

Charles Dickens

Hard Times by Charles Dickens (CD-Audio ISBN 9781906147228) book cover

Available as CD-Audio

‘Now what I want is Facts. Teach these boys and girls nothing but Facts. Facts alone are wanted in life….’ So says Thomas Gradgrind in Dickens’ immortal story set in the North of England in the 19th century.

Set in the north of England during the 19th century, ‘Hard Times’ is the story of Thomas Gradgrind, a schoolmaster, who has strong and overbearing views on how his children, Louisa and Tom, should behave in order to become ‘models in society’. As the children get older their father’s teachings start to impact significantly on their lives, Grandgrind starts to question his own resolve and begins to wonder whether he has been misguided and blind to their needs Set against a background of wealth and poverty where the rich rule and the poor are left to suffer, ‘Hard Times’ is more than a vehicle highlighting social injustice, it is also full of drama, romance, comedy, pathos and a tantalisingly elusive, but none-the-less compelling, sliver of ‘hope’.
Read by the accomplished actress and narrator Dame Harriet Walter.

Charles Dickens

Charles Dickens (1812-70) was one of the leading novelists in the Victoria era, and in the entire history of English literature. He is famed for his humorous characters and dark, urban, social detail.