Set in late 1930s London, Hangover Square is the brilliant and disquieting tale of George Harvey Bone, a perpetual drunk. He suffers from ‘dark’ moods, which click on and off without warning, as if someone has tripped a switch in his head. On his supposedly better days, George whiles away his time nursing a pint or six and obsessing about the attractive but cruel small-time actress Netta. Disgusted by his own helpless devotion and his increasingly erratic behaviour, George is driven to the edge - culminating in Hangover Square’s spectacular and haunting climax.
Read by Julian Rhind-Tutt, esteemed actor who first became famous in Green Wing.
“Rhind-Tutt’s presentation of Bone’s cinematic first-person narrative cleverly builds the tension of the mental conflicts which make up Bone’s distorted vision of what is going on around him. It’s a tense and gripping study of a drink-fuelled mental disintegration.”
rachel Redford, The Observer
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Patrick Hamilton (1904-62) was an English novelist and playwright, famed for his black humour.
Narrator Julian Rhind-Tutt is a talented actor who has appeared in Green Wing. His distinctive reading style is perfectly suited to Hangover Square.