Three Men In A Boat

Jerome K. Jerome

Three Men In A Boat by Jerome K. Jerome (CD-Audio ISBN 9781901768916) book cover

Available as CD-Audio

Hugh Laurie’s reading of a comic classic - a rollicking listen

Three Men in a Boat is one of the most amusing and durable books in the English language. Semi-autobiographical, it recounts the adventures and mishaps of George, Harris, J. (the author) and his remarkable dog Montmorency during a boat trip along the River Thames in England from London to Oxford. Jerome K. Jerome originally intended the book to be a guide to the Thames Valley but his publisher thought it so entertaining it was published as a comic novel and has endured as a classic of the genre ever since. Wonderfully light and surprisingly modern in tone, the sense of fun is irrepressible, the enjoyment unstoppable. Real laugh-out-loud stuff.

Hugh Laurie is one of Britain’s most successful actors. Having started out with Stephen Fry in Jeeves and Wooster, Blackadder and A Bit of Fry and Laurie, he has become a superstar in America thanks to the success of the television series House, where he plays the eponymous doctor protagonist.

“Laurie’s readings prove him to be not only a skilled light comedian and actor but a very satisfying reader, with a very flexible voice.”
the Collector’s Digest

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Jerome K. Jerome

Jerome K. Jerome (1859-1927) was a highly-acclaimed English writer and humorist, who also co-founded The Idler.