The Gospel According to John

Blake Morrison

The Gospel According to John by Blake Morrison (eBook ISBN 9780857860996) book cover

Available as eBook

With an introduction by Blake Morrison.

In both the literary sense and content, this gospel differs dramatically from the others in that it expresses the movement towards agnosticism and is more concerned with explaining high concepts like truth, light, life and spirit than recounting historical fact. With an introduction by Blake Morrison.

Blake Morrison

Born in Skipton, Yorkshire, Blake Morrison is the author of two bestselling memoirs, And When Did You Last See Your Father? and Things My Mother Never Told Me, two novels (most recently the acclaimed South of the River and The Last Weekend), and a study of the Bulger case, As If. He is also a poet, critic, journalist and librettist. He teaches Creative Writing at Goldsmiths College, and lives in south London.